Love speaks {Brady Wedding Photography}

How does Love speak?
In the faint flush upon the telltale cheek…

In the proud spirit suddenly grown meek —
The haughty heart grown humble; in the tender
And unnamed light that floods the world with splendour;
In the resemblance which the fond eyes trace
In all fair things to one beloved face;
In the shy touch of hands that thrill and tremble;
In looks and lips that can no more dissemble –

In the embrace where madness melts in bliss,
And in the convulsive rapture of a kiss–
Thus doth Love speak.

–Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Love spoke today at Selah Springs Ranch

David + Lori Dallas Wedding Photography

Hyatt Regency, Dallas. Room 781. We knock on the door. There’s a buzz of activity as we see JJ and Micaela (Dallas Hair and Makeup) diligently working on Lori and her bridesmaids. Lori is stress free as she writes one last note to her fiance. Details are set–flowers are gorgeous and the borrowed broach from David’s sister is the finishing touch on her bouquet. Her dress is elegant and fits beautifully. She’s such a lovely bride. Mom is holding back the tears as they embrace. She gives us one last glance as if to say, “I’m ready to see my groom.” Several floors above, David is preparing for the best decision he’s ever made. His father quietly stands by, beaming with pride. It’s time. It’s a long corridor and David is waiting as patiently as he can. He looks up. There she is. Their hearts race. Pure joy! For a moment, all else is forgotten and time stands still–just David and Lori. This is meant to be. The rest of the day flies by so smoothly, it’s surreal. Family and friends gather at Level Two, to celebrate David and Lori’s lifetime commitment. Rose petals, candles and a wine bottles–labeled with David & Lori’s name and wedding date–adorn each table. Each centerpiece is personalized from Lori’s 3rd grade students. Placed in each wine cork is a student’s attempt to describe love. “Love is… when David and Lori get married.” Perfect! The night is punctuated with laughter, hugs, and well wishes for the newlyweds. One of many highlights of the night includes a special moment to commemorate Lori’s wonderful grandparents, celebrating their 60th year as husband and wife. And what was even more impressive was the serenade the men put on for Lori, a la Top Gun –“You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling.”;-)What a fantastic wedding–sending these two off as man and wife clearly brought joy to everyone’s hearts. Congratulations, David and Lori!

dallas wedding photography

Lori – Bridal Session Dallas Arboretum

It’s a brisk Sunday morning at the Dallas Arboretum when we meet Lori for the first time. Not only does Lori have flawless skin and gorgeous eyes (jealous!), her personality absolutely shines. She is extremely easy to talk to and within a few moments, we feel as if we’ve known her for years. Lori’s mom, Linda, and trusted confidant, Stephanie, keep tabs on the lovely bride, offering the necessary lip-gloss, dress fluffing, veil straightening when required. We share stories and our love for our puppies as I silently attempt to figure out how Lori has been awake since 3 am and looks this amazing;-)We travel through the arboretum as a posse on a mission–it’s all about light. Lori isn’t aware, but she’s gathering glances and smiles where ever we go. This bride is such a natural, and is the perfect centerpiece to the backdrop of the Dallas Arboretum. Special thanks to Micaela with Dallas Hair and Makeup and Lori’s the entourage:-)Enjoy!

Beauty—be not caused—It Is—

Chase it, and it ceases—
Chase it not, and it abides—
Overtake the Creases

In the Meadow—when the Wind

Runs his fingers thro’ it—

Deity will see to it
That You never do it—

bridal session dallas arboretum

Snow Wedding! {Central Texas Wedding Photography}

Dilemma: Meticulously planned winter wedding–need snow for send-off … in Central Texas. Odds are not good. What to do? Make your own! Here’s a “snow-y” send-off for these wonderful newlyweds in Central Texas–Brilliant!

wedding rings {Waco Wedding Photographer}

Think lighting doesn’t matter? Lighting is everything… even with the tiniest of details. Let’s use a wedding ring for our example. I can shoot this ring well with natural light. Anyone can. The question that should haunt any photographer when shooting is, “how can I make an ordinary shot, extraordinary?” The question is the same for this ring shot. While simply composed, is does have special qualities (as a photographer, special quality becomes my specialization). Take a look at the depth of field, the clarity (clarity on diamonds is difficult to achieve without practice), and the right angle from the natural light. Anyone can’t do that, but can you? Geeky numbers: Micro Nikkor 105mm, f5.6, shutter speed: 1/125, ISO 800.

This is what I would call a “pretty” shot. Neutral tones. Bright. Very likable. Looks great, but what if you’re shooting at a dim reception with absolutely no lighting? Not to worry; you can still get a great ring shot. First, find a reflective surface (in this case, a granite counter). Settings are the same, but now the light source is the one created by flash. Using a camera top-mounted speed flash, aim it slightly behind the camera and it will bring an even sparkle to the diamond facets and to the top of the band. Same subject, but it has a dramatically different feel. Lighting. Is. Key. Now you try:-)

C o n n e c t   +   S u b s c r i b e